====== wikiplus源码存档 ====== ===== 源码 ===== /* global mw */ /// /** * Wikiplus * Author: +Eridanus Sora/@妹空酱 * Github: https://github.com/Last-Order/Wikiplus */ /** * 依赖组件: MoeNotification * https://github.com/Last-Order/MoeNotification */ 'use strict'; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } } function MoeNotification() { var self = this; this.display = function () { var text = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? '喵~' : arguments[0]; var type = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 'success' : arguments[1]; var callback = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? function () {} : arguments[2]; $('#MoeNotification').append($('
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Don't panic. Please check the difference between your content below and the existing revision, then refresh the page to make another submit", "revwrongpage": "The revision you are editing now is not one a valid reversions of this page", "undofailure": "Undo failed due to conflicts.", "missingtitle": "Missing title in your edit/creation", "mustbeposted": "The edit must be submited by POST method", "readapidenied": "Read API Denied", "writeapidenied": "Write API Denied", "noapiwrite": "No available write API in this wiki", "badtoken": "Invalid EditToken", "missingparam": "One of the parameters title, pageid is required", "invalidparammix": "The parameters title, pageid can not be used together", "invalidtitle": "Invalid page title", "nosuchpageid": "Inexistent page ID", "pagecannotexist": "No access to create a new page in this namespace", "nosuchrevid": "Inexisting reversion ID", "badmd5": "Invalid MD5", "hookaborted": "Your edit was rejected by the hook(s)", "parseerror": "Failed to parse the wikitext of this page", "summaryrequired": "No summary in your edit", "blocked": "You have been already BLOCKED", "ratelimited": "You've exceeded your rate limit. Please have a tea and try again later", "unknownerror": "Unknown error", "nosuchsection": "There is no such section", "sectionsnotsupported": "Can't edit in this section", "editnotsupported": "Can't edit in this section by writing section", "appendnotsupported": "Can't append/prepend wikitext to this page", "redirect_appendonly": "Only append/prepend can be made to this page because of the rules of the redirect page", "badformat": "The requested serialization format can not be applied to the page's content model", "customcssprotected": "You're not allowed to edit custom CSS pages", "customjsprotected": "You're not allowed to edit custom JavaScript pages", "cascadeprotected": "This page is under a cascading protection", "network_edit_error": "Failed to edit this page because of network errors", "redirect_to_summary": "Redirect to [[$1]] \/\/ Wikiplus", "redirect_from_summary": "Redirect [[$1]] to [[$2]] \/\/ Wikiplus", "need_init": "Wikiplus haven't been loaded completely. It's a rare occasion so you can try to refresh and try again.", "fail_to_get_wikitext": "Failed to load the wikitext of this page", "quickedit_topbtn": "QuickEdit", "quickedit_sectionbtn": "QuickEdit", "fail_to_init_quickedit": "Failed to initialize Wikiplus", "back": "Back", "goto_editbox": "Jump to editbox", "summary_placehold": "Edit summary", "submit": "Submit", "publish_page": "Publish Page", "publish_change": "Publish Changes", "preview": "Preview", "cancel": "Cancel", "mark_minoredit": "Mark this edit as a minor edit", "onclose_confirm": "[Wikiplus] Do you really want to close this page when you are still editing it, as you will lose all your unsaved work?", "fail_to_get_wikitext_when_edit": "Failed to load wikitext for your edit", "cant_parse_wikitext": "Failed to parse the wikitext", "loading_preview": "Loading the preview", "submitting_edit": "Submitting your edit", "edit_success": "Your edit is submitted within $1ms", "empty_page_confirm": "The wikitext in your edit is empty, which will empty this page.\r\nPlease set the value of key \"empty\" true to allow this kind of edits. (This is a tip for developers)", "cross_page_edit": "The content you are editing belongs to another page, please wait...", "cross_page_edit_submit": "Submitting your edit...", "cross_page_edit_error": "Failed to load the infomation", "install_tip": "Do you allow Wikiplus to collect insensitive data to help us develop Wikiplus and provide feedback to current site: $1 ?", "accept": "Yes", "decline": "No", "install_finish": "Wikiplus is installed, enjoy it", "loading": "Loading", "cant_add_funcbtn": "Failed to add buttons for Wikiplus", "wikiplus_settings": "Wikiplus Setting", "wikiplus_settings_desc": "Please modify your setting according to the standards below", "wikiplus_settings_placeholder": "Your setting is empty, please modify your setting according to the documentation.", "wikiplus_settings_grammar_error": "Syntax error in your setting", "wikiplus_settings_saved": "Your settings have been saved", "redirect_from": "Redirect from", "redirect_desc": "Which page do you want to redirect here?", "empty_input": "Empty input", "redirect_saved": "Redirection is finished", "uninited": "Wikiplus is not completely initialized, please refeash this page", "cant_parse_i18ncache": "Failed to parse the cache of i18n file", "cant_load_language": "Failed to load i18n file", "history_edit_warning": " // You are trying to edit a history revision of this page. This will apply to the latest revision. Please be careful.", "create_page_tip": "", "continue": "Continue anyway", "default_summary_suffix": "// Edit via Wikiplus", "cross_page_history_revision_edit_warning": "Cross-page edit in history revision is not supported yet." }; /** * 加载其他语言文件 * @param {string} language 语言名 */ function loadLanguage(language) { $.ajax({ url: scriptPath + '/languages/get.php?lang=' + language, dataType: 'json', success: function success(data) { if (data.__language && data.__version) { if (i18nData[data.__language]) { if (data.__version >= i18nData[data.__language].__version) { i18nData[data.__language] = data; console.log('更新语言版本' + data.___language + '至' + data.___version); } else { // 服务端未跟进语言版本 不更新本地缓存 } } else { i18nData[data.__language] = data; } localStorage.Wikiplus_i18nCache = JSON.stringify(i18nData); //更新缓存 } }, error: function error(e) { console.log('无法加载语言' + language); } }); } /** * 多语言转换 * @param {stirng} key 字段标识名 * @return {string} 经过转换的内容 如未找到对应的多语言字段 则返回简体中文 */ function i18n(key) { var language; try { language = JSON.parse(localStorage.Wikiplus_Settings)['language'] || window.navigator.language.toLowerCase(); } catch (e) { language = window.navigator.language.toLowerCase(); } if (i18nData[language] && i18nData[language][key]) { return i18nData[language][key]; } else if (i18nData['en-us'][key]) { return i18nData['en-us'][key]; } else { return; } } /** * 获得错误信息 * @param {stirng} name * @return {object} {number,message} */ function getErrorInfo(name) { var errorList = { unknown_error_name: { number: 1001, message: i18n('unknown_error_name') }, api_unaccessiable: { number: 1002 }, api_unwriteable: { number: 1003 }, fail_to_get_timestamp: { number: 1004 }, fail_to_get_edittoken: { number: 1005 }, fail_to_get_pageinfo: { number: 1006 }, not_autoconfirmed_user: { number: 1007 }, hit_abusefilter: { number: 1008 }, unknown_edit_error: { number: 1009 }, unknown_edit_error_message: { number: 1010 }, notitle: { number: 1011 }, notext: { number: 1012 }, notoken: { number: 1013 }, invalidsection: { number: 1014 }, protectedtitle: { number: 1015 }, cantcreate: { number: 1016 }, cantcreate_anon: { number: 1017 }, articleexists: { number: 1018 }, noimageredirect_anon: { number: 1019 }, noimageredirect: { number: 1020 }, spamdetected: { number: 1021 }, filtered: { number: 1022 }, contenttoobig: { number: 1023 }, noedit_anon: { number: 1025 }, noedit: { number: 1026 }, pagedeleted: { number: 1027 }, emptypage: { number: 1028 }, emptynewsection: { number: 1029 }, editconflict: { number: 1030 }, revwrongpage: { number: 1031 }, undofailure: { number: 1032 }, missingtitle: { number: 1033 }, mustbeposted: { number: 1034 }, readapidenied: { number: 1035 }, writeapidenied: { number: 1036 }, noapiwrite: { number: 1037 }, badtoken: { number: 1038 }, missingparam: { number: 1039 }, invalidparammix: { number: 1040 }, invalidtitle: { number: 1041 }, nosuchpageid: { number: 1042 }, pagecannotexist: { number: 1043 }, nosuchrevid: { number: 1044 }, badmd5: { number: 1045 }, hookaborted: { number: 1046 }, parseerror: { number: 1047 }, summaryrequired: { number: 1048 }, blocked: { number: 1049 }, ratelimited: { number: 1050 }, unknownerror: { number: 1051 }, nosuchsection: { number: 1052 }, sectionsnotsupported: { number: 1053 }, editnotsupported: { number: 1054 }, appendnotsupported: { number: 1055 }, redirect_appendonly: { number: 1056 }, badformat: { number: 1057 }, customcssprotected: { number: 1058 }, customjsprotected: { number: 1059 }, cascadeprotected: { number: 1060 }, network_edit_error: { number: 1061 }, need_init: { number: 1062 }, fail_to_get_wikitext: { number: 1063 }, fail_to_init_quickedit: { number: 1064 }, fail_to_get_wikitext_when_edit: { number: 1065 }, cant_parse_wikitext: { number: 1066 }, empty_page_confirm: { number: 1067 }, uninited: { number: 1068 }, cant_parse_i18ncache: { number: 1069 }, cant_load_language: { number: 1070 } }; if (errorList[name]) { if (errorList[name].message) { return { number: errorList[name].number, message: errorList[name].message }; } else if (i18n(name) !== 'undefined') { return { number: errorList[name].number, message: i18n(name) }; } else { return { number: errorList[name].number, message: i18n('unknownerror') }; } } else { return { number: errorList.unknown_error_name.number, message: errorList.unknown_error_name.message }; } } /** * 抛出错误 * @param {string} name * @return boolean */ function throwError(name, message) { var errInfo = getErrorInfo(name); var e = new Error(); e.number = errInfo.number; e.message = message || errInfo.message; console.log('%c致命错误[' + e.number + ']:' + e.message, 'color:red'); console.log(e); return e; } /** * 将mw的段落的id转换为可显示的文本 * @param {string} URL * @return string */ var Wikipage = (function () { function Wikipage() { var pageName = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? window.mw.config.get('wgPageName') : arguments[0]; _classCallCheck(this, Wikipage); console.log('页面类构建中'); //可用性和权限检测 if (!window.mw) { console.log('页面JavaScript载入不完全或这不是一个MediaWiki站点'); return; } if (!window.mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('autoconfirmed') && !window.mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('confirmed')) { throwError('not_autoconfirmed_user'); return; } //从MediaWiki定义的全局变量中获得信息 this.pageName = pageName.replace(/ /ig, '_'); // MediaWiki处理空格时可能会出错 this.revisionId = window.mw.config.get('wgRevisionId'); this.articleId = window.mw.config.get('wgArticleId'); this.API = location.protocol + '//' + location.host + window.mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php'; //从API获得编辑令牌和起始时间戳 this.editToken = {}; this.timeStamp = {}; this.init(this.pageName, { success: function success() { console.log('Wikiplus加载完毕'); }, fail: function fail(e) { console.log('Wikiplus未能正确加载(' + e.message + ')'); } }); } /** * 针对非本页面的编辑 提供重定义时间戳和权标接口 * @param {string} titile 标题 * @param {object} callback 回调函数 */ _createClass(Wikipage, [{ key: 'reConstruct', value: function reConstruct(title) { var callback = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1]; this.init(title, callback); } /** * 获取页面基础信息并记录 */ }, { key: 'init', value: function init(title, callback, config) { if (title === undefined) title = this.pageName; if (callback === undefined) callback = {}; var self = this; callback.success = callback.success || new Function(); callback.fail = callback.success || new Function(); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', url: this.API, data: { 'action': 'query', 'prop': 'revisions|info', 'titles': title, 'rvprop': 'timestamp', 'format': 'json' }, beforeSend: function beforeSend(request) { request.setRequestHeader('Api-User-Agent', 'Wikiplus/2 (' + mw.config.get('wgWikiID') + ')'); console.time('获得页面基础信息时间耗时'); }, success: function success(data) { if (data && data.query && data.query.pages) { var info = data.query.pages; for (var key in info) { if (key !== '-1') { if (info[key].revisions && info[key].revisions.length > 0) { self.timeStamp[title] = info[key].revisions[0].timestamp; } else { callback.fail(throwError('fail_to_get_timestamp')); } if (mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken') && mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken') !== '+\\') { self.editToken[title] = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'); console.log('成功获得编辑令牌 来自前端API'); } else { //前端拿不到Token 尝试通过API $.ajax({ url: self.API, type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', data: { 'action': 'query', 'meta': 'tokens', 'format': 'json' }, beforeSend: function beforeSend(request) { request.setRequestHeader('Api-User-Agent', 'Wikiplus/2 (' + mw.config.get('wgWikiID') + ')'); }, success: function success(data) { if (data.query && data.query.tokens && data.query.tokens.csrftoken && data.query.tokens.csrftoken !== '+\\') { self.editToken[title] = data.query.tokens.csrftoken; console.log('成功获得编辑令牌 通过后端API'); } else { callback.fail(throwError('fail_to_get_edittoken')); } }, error: function error(e) { callback.fail(throwError('fail_to_get_edittoken')); } }); callback.fail(throwError('fail_to_get_edittoken')); } } else { if (mw.config.get('wgArticleId') === 0) { // 如果是空页面就只拿一个edittoken if (mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken') && mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken') !== '+\\') { self.editToken[title] = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'); console.log('成功获得编辑令牌 来自前端API'); self.inited = true; } else { self.inited = false; callback.fail(throwError('fail_to_get_edittoken')); } } else { // 如果不是 那就是失败了 抛出错误 self.inited = false; callback.fail(throwError('fail_to_get_pageinfo')); } } } } } }).done(function () { console.timeEnd('获得页面基础信息时间耗时'); self.inited = self.inited === false ? false : true; callback.success(); }); } /** * 页面编辑 * @param {string} content 页面内容 * @param {string} title 页面标题 默认为当前页面标题 * @param {object} callback 回调函数 * @param {object} config 设置 覆盖到默认的设置 */ }, { key: 'edit', value: function edit(content) { var title = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? this.pageName : arguments[1]; var callback = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? {} : arguments[2]; var config = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? {} : arguments[3]; var self = this; callback.success = callback.success || new Function(); callback.fail = callback.fail || new Function(); if (content === undefined) { if (!config.empty === true) { callback.fail(throwError('empty_page_confirm')); return false; } } if (self.inited) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: self.API, data: $.extend({ 'action': 'edit', 'format': 'json', 'text': content, 'title': title, 'token': self.editToken[title] || self.editToken[self.pageName], 'basetimestamp': self.timeStamp[title] }, config), beforeSend: function beforeSend(request) { request.setRequestHeader('Api-User-Agent', 'Wikiplus/2 (' + mw.config.get('wgWikiID') + ')'); }, success: function success(data) { if (data && data.edit) { if (data.edit.result && data.edit.result === 'Success') { callback.success(); } else { if (data.edit.code) { //防滥用过滤器 callback.fail(throwError('hit_abusefilter', i18n('hit_abusefilter') + ':' + data.edit.info.replace('/Hit AbuseFilter: /ig', '') + '
' + data.edit.warning + '')); } else { callback.fail(throwError('unknown_edit_error')); } } } else if (data && data.error && data.error.code) { callback.fail(throwError(data.error.code.replace(/-/ig, '_')), i18n('unknown_edit_error_message').replace(/\$1/ig, data.error.code)); } else if (data.code) { callback.fail(throwError('unknown_edit_error'), i18n('unknown_edit_error_message').replace(/\$1/ig, data.code)); } else { callback.fail(throwError('unknown_edit_error')); } }, error: function error(e) { callback.fail(throwError('network_edit_error')); } }); } else { callback.fail(throwError('uninited')); } } /** * 编辑段落 * @param {number} section 段落编号 * @param {string} content 内容 * @param {string} title 页面标题 * @param {object} callback 回调函数 * @param {object} config 设置 */ }, { key: 'editSection', value: function editSection(section, content) { var title = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? this.pageName : arguments[2]; var config = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? {} : arguments[3]; var callback = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? {} : arguments[4]; callback.success = callback.success || new Function(); callback.fail = callback.fail || new Function(); this.edit(content, title, callback, $.extend({ 'section': section }, config)); } /** * 重定向页面至 * @param {string} target 目标页面标题 * @param {string} title 页面名 默认为当前页面 * @param {object} callback 回调函数 */ }, { key: 'redirectTo', value: function redirectTo(target) { var title = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? this.pageName : arguments[1]; var callback = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? {} : arguments[2]; callback.success = callback.success || new Function(); callback.fail = callback.fail || new Function(); this.edit('#REDIRECT [[' + target + ']]', title, callback, { 'summary': i18n('redirect_to_summary').replace(/\$1/ig, target) }); } /** * 重定向自 * @param {string} origin 重定向页标题 * @param {string} title 重定向目标页标题 默认为当前页 * @param {object} callback */ }, { key: 'redirectFrom', value: function redirectFrom(origin) { var title = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? this.pageName : arguments[1]; var callback = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? {} : arguments[2]; var force = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? false : arguments[3]; callback.success = callback.success || new Function(); callback.fail = callback.fail || new Function(); var data = { summary: i18n('redirect_from_summary').replace(/\$1/ig, origin).replace(/\$2/ig, title) }; if (!force) { data.createonly = 'true'; } this.edit('#REDIRECT [[' + title + ']]', origin, callback, data); } /** * 获得页面维基文本 * @param {object} callback 回调函数 * @param {string} title 页面标题 默认为当前页面 * @param {object} config 设置 */ }, { key: 'getWikiText', value: function getWikiText() { var callback = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0]; var title = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? this.pageName : arguments[1]; var config = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? {} : arguments[2]; callback.success = callback.success || new Function(); callback.fail = callback.fail || new Function(); $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//' + location.host + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php', type: 'GET', dataType: 'text', cache: false, data: $.extend({ 'title': title, 'action': 'raw' }, config), beforeSend: function beforeSend(request) { request.setRequestHeader('Api-User-Agent', 'Wikiplus/2 (' + mw.config.get('wgWikiID') + ')'); console.time('获得页面文本耗时'); }, success: function success(data) { console.timeEnd('获得页面文本耗时'); callback.success(data); }, error: function error(e) { callback.fail(throwError('fail_to_get_wikitext')); } }); } /** * 解析Wikitext * @param {string} wikitext 维基文本 * @param {object} callback 回调函数 * @param {object} config 设置 */ }, { key: 'parseWikiText', value: function parseWikiText(wikitext, callback, config) { if (wikitext === undefined) wikitext = ''; if (callback === undefined) callback = {}; callback.success = callback.success || new Function(); callback.fail = callback.fail || new Function(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: $.extend({ 'format': 'json', 'action': 'parse', 'text': wikitext, 'title': this.pageName, 'pst': 'true' }, config), beforeSend: function beforeSend(request) { request.setRequestHeader('Api-User-Agent', 'Wikiplus/2 (' + mw.config.get('wgWikiID') + ')'); }, url: this.API, success: function success(data) { if (data && data.parse && data.parse.text) { callback.success(data.parse.text['*']); } else { callback.fail(throwError('cant_parse_wikitext')); } } }); } }]); return Wikipage; })(); $(document).ready(function () { var Wikiplus = (function () { _createClass(Wikiplus, [{ key: 'initQuickEdit', /** * 加载快速编辑 第一步 插入页面按钮并绑定入口事件 */ value: function initQuickEdit() { var callback = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0]; var self = this; var checkRight = function checkRight() { if (!mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('autoconfirmed') && !mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('confirmed')) { new MoeNotification().create.error(getErrorInfo('not_autoconfirmed_user').message); throwError('not_autoconfirmed_user'); } }; callback.success = callback.success || new Function(); callback.fail = callback.fail || new Function(); if (!(mw.config.get('wgIsArticle') && mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'view' && mw.config.get('wgIsProbablyEditable'))) { console.log('该页面无法编辑 快速编辑界面加载终止'); return; } //顶部编辑入口 var topBtn = $('
  • ').attr('id', 'Wikiplus-Edit-TopBtn').append($('').append($('').attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)').text('' + i18n('quickedit_topbtn')))).data({ number: -1, target: self.kotori.pageName }); if (mw.config.get('skin') === 'minerva') { $(topBtn).css({ 'align-items': 'center', 'display': 'flex' }); $(topBtn).find('span').addClass('page-actions-menu__list-item'); $(topBtn).find('a').addClass('mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-element mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-edit-base20 mw-ui-icon-with-label-desktop').css('vertical-align', 'middle'); } if ($('#ca-edit').length > 0 && $('#Wikiplus-Edit-TopBtn').length === 0) { mw.config.get('skin') === 'minerva' ? $('#ca-edit').parent().after(topBtn) : $('#ca-edit').after(topBtn); $('#Wikiplus-Edit-TopBtn').click(function () { checkRight(); self.initQuickEditInterface($(this)); //直接把DOM传递给下一步 }); } else if ($('#ca-edit').length === 0) { throwError('fail_to_init_quickedit'); } if ($('.mw-editsection').length > 0) { self.sectionMap = {}; //段落快速编辑按钮 var sectionBtn = mw.config.get('skin') === 'minerva' ? $('').append($('').addClass('Wikiplus-Edit-SectionBtn mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-element mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-edit-base20 edit-page mw-ui-icon-flush-right').css('margin-left', '0.75em').attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)').attr('title', i18n('quickedit_sectionbtn'))) : $('').append($('').addClass('mw-editsection-divider').text(' | ')).append($('').addClass('Wikiplus-Edit-SectionBtn').attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)').text(i18n('quickedit_sectionbtn'))); $('.mw-editsection').each(function (i) { try { var editURL = $(this).find('a').first().attr('href'); var sectionNumber = editURL.match(/&[ve]*section\=([^&]+)/)[1].replace(/T-/ig, ''); var sectionTargetName; if (editURL.match(/title=(.+?)&/)) { sectionTargetName = decodeURIComponent(editURL.match(/title=(.+?)&/)[1]); } else { var regex = new RegExp(mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1', '') + '(.+?)\\?'); if (editURL.match(regex)) { sectionTargetName = decodeURIComponent(editURL.match(regex)[1]); } else { throwError('fail_to_init_quickedit'); } } var cloneNode = $(this).prev().clone(); cloneNode.find('.mw-headline-number').remove(); var sectionName = cloneNode.text().trim(); self.sectionMap[sectionNumber] = { name: sectionName, target: sectionTargetName }; var _sectionBtn = sectionBtn.clone(); _sectionBtn.find('.Wikiplus-Edit-SectionBtn').data({ number: sectionNumber, name: sectionName, target: sectionTargetName }); mw.config.get('skin') === 'minerva' ? $(this).append(_sectionBtn) : $(this).find('.mw-editsection-bracket').last().before(_sectionBtn); } catch (e) { throwError('fail_to_init_quickedit'); } }); $('.Wikiplus-Edit-SectionBtn').click(function () { checkRight(); self.initQuickEditInterface($(this)); //直接把DOM传递给下一步 }); } } /** * 加载快速编辑主界面相关内容 */ }, { key: 'initQuickEditInterface', value: function initQuickEditInterface(obj) { var self = this; var sectionNumber = obj.data('number'); var sectionTargetName = obj.data('target'); if (this.kotori.inited) { if (sectionTargetName !== self.kotori.pageName && mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') !== mw.config.get('wgRevisionId')) { // 在历史版本编辑其他页面有问题 暂时不支持 this.notice.create.error(i18n('cross_page_history_revision_edit_warning')); return; } if ($('.noarticletext').length > 0) { //这是一个空页面 this.preloadData[sectionTargetName + '.-1'] = i18n('create_page_tip'); } if (mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') === mw.config.get('wgRevisionId')) { var additionalConfig = {}; if (this.preloadData[sectionTargetName + '.' + sectionNumber] === undefined) { if (sectionTargetName === this.kotori.pageName) { additionalConfig.oldid = mw.config.get('wgRevisionId'); } this.notice.create.success(i18n('loading')); this.preload(sectionNumber, sectionTargetName, { success: function success(data) { obj.data('content', data); self.notice.empty(); self.displayQuickEditInterface(obj); }, fail: function fail(e) { throwError('fail_to_get_wikitext_when_edit'); } }, additionalConfig); } else { obj.data('content', self.preloadData[sectionTargetName + '.' + sectionNumber]); self.displayQuickEditInterface(obj); } } else { this.notice.create.warning(i18n('history_edit_warning')); this.notice.create.success(i18n('loading')); this.preload(sectionNumber, sectionTargetName, { success: function success(data) { obj.data('content', data); self.notice.empty(); self.displayQuickEditInterface(obj, '' + i18n('history_edit_warning')); }, fail: function fail(data) { throwError('fail_to_get_wikitext_when_edit'); } }, { 'oldid': mw.config.get('wgRevisionId') }); } } } /** * 显示快速编辑界面并绑定事件 */ }, { key: 'displayQuickEditInterface', value: function displayQuickEditInterface(obj) { var message = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? '' : arguments[1]; var self = this; var isNewPage = $('.noarticletext').length > 0; var sectionNumber = obj.data('number'); var sectionName = obj.data('name'); var sectionTargetName = obj.data('target'); var sectionContent = obj.data('content'); var summary = self.getSetting('defaultSummary', { 'sectionName': sectionName, 'sectionNumber': sectionNumber, 'sectionTargetName': sectionTargetName }); if (summary === undefined) { if (sectionName === undefined) { summary = i18n('default_summary_suffix'); } else { summary = '/* ' + sectionName + ' */ ' + i18n('default_summary_suffix'); } } //DOM定义 var heightBefore = $(document).scrollTop(); //记住当前高度 var backBtn = $('').attr('id', 'Wikiplus-Quickedit-Back').addClass('Wikiplus-Btn').text('' + i18n('back')); //返回按钮 var jumpBtn = $('').attr('id', 'Wikiplus-Quickedit-Jump').addClass('Wikiplus-Btn').append($('').attr('href', '#Wikiplus-Quickedit').text('' + i18n('goto_editbox'))); //到编辑框 var inputBox = $('